Repeats every second Sunday of the month until April14, 2025
Location:Msgr. Tash Parish Hall / Entrance D
Young in Spirit (YIS) is a monthly dinner gathering for St Thomas parishioners age 55+ whether you are married, divorced, widowed or single – you are invited to participate. You are welcome to bring friends/guests. We gather at 4:00 p.m., on the second Sunday of each month (depending on holidays
and church availability), September through April in the Msgr. Tash Hall. There is a $10 charge per person for a delicious meal, and a spiritual or educational program may be available. Reservations are required. No-shows will be required to pay for the dinner cost because food was prepared based on head-count. Sign up for YIS through the St Thomas church website,, Click on icon for Flocknotes. Please contact Theresa Grove (303-242-7308) or Gwen Johns (806-336-3032) for further information.