Young in Spirit (YIS) is a monthly dinner gathering for St
Thomas parishioners age 55+ whether you are married, divorced,
widowed or single – you are invited to participate. You are
welcome to bring friends/guests. Our next gathering is on Sun.,
Dec.12, at 4:00 pm in Msgr. Tash Hall. There is a $10 charge
per person for a delicious meal, and a spiritual or educational
program may be available. Reservations are required -
deadline to RSVP is November 7th. No-shows will be required
to pay for the dinner cost since food was prepared based on
headcount. Sign up for YIS through the St Thomas Church
website,, Click on icon for
Flocknotes. Please contact Theresa Grove (303-242-7308) or
Gwen Johns (806-336-3032) for further information.