If you're watching Mass online and would like to make an electronic contribution, or if you would like to support our Live Streaming Ministry, you can do that by clicking one of the buttons below. Also, please remember to pray for all those that this ministry and our parish support.
Live streaming feeds are archived on the website for about a month. Missed a great homily or happening during a Mass? Catch it again, or for the first time, with our "on-demand” feature found on this page. Click on the "PLAY BUTTON" and select "Previous Broadcasts" to view archived videos.
St. Thomas Live Streaming is an outreach of our Parish's Liturgical Ministries and is specifically those who, for reasons outside of their own control, are unable to attend Mass or church events. If you're homebound, ill, or hospitalized, you are loved by your brothers and sisters in Christ and a vibrant and beloved part of our faith community.
We offer on-line viewing of special liturgies like funerals and weddings for a minimal fee. In this offering, family and friends who are unable to join in these sacred events physically can still participate in the liturgy from anywhere in the world with a computer and internet access!
There is never a charge for a viewer or parishioner to watch a live stream of Mass, or any event. However, if you'd like an event (event) streamed live for your family and friends, there is a minimal fee one-time. We'll also provide you with a video download of the broadcast, and can leave it on the archives page of this site for about 30 days. Just contact the parish office.
Absolutely! If you know someone that is homebound or sick, please don't hesitate to share this page with them. St. Thomas is the only parish in the Diocese of Amarillo that offers live-streaming and we're happy to make this ministry available to others. The direct link www.amarillo.church/live is the easiest way for them to access this page.
During this time all Catholics within the Catholic Diocese of Amarillo are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
Considering the reality of not being able to attend Mass, Parishioners are encouraged to assume and manifest the Domestic Church that they are called to be. Parishioners are urged to pray at home as a family: Read the Sunday readings together, meditate upon their teaching and pray for your needs and those of the diocese and our country, pray the Rosary, or take advantage of the broadcast of the Mass on television, radio or via the Internet.