The Order of the Mass is familiar to all who regularly join in the assembly to praise God. However, because the liturgy may be unfamiliar to you, this USCCB link will help you to join us at Mass. The Mass is the central focus of Catholic worship. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith lives; through the Eucharist we are given the strength to do God's work in the world and it becomes the focus of our lives as we constantly work to do God's will in preparation to receive the gift Christ has left his Church in the Eucharist. We come together every Sunday to encounter God in the Word, the Eucharist, and in the assembled community of the faithful. We welcome you to join us in praying and to learn about our liturgical life as Roman Catholics. For those who are not Catholic, we invite you to come forward at the time for communion to receive a blessing. Indicate this to the minister by crossing your arms over your chest.
Just as we enter into the life of being a Christian through our baptism, we enter the church at the baptismal font. It is customary for all the baptized to bless themselves with the holy water as a reminder of their baptism, using three fingers on their right hand as a reminder of the Trinity. After going to your pew, it is proper to genuflect toward the tabernacle and to remain standing or kneel in private prayer in order to prepare yourself to worship the Lord in the liturgy.
If you have any questions about the liturgy or the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, please feel free to contact the Parish Office at (806) 358-2461.